Bakkt Holdings lost $2.95 per share in the fourth quarter. The operating loss in the fourth quarter was 11.70 million yuan, down 85% year-on-year.
Bakkt Holdings四季度每股亏损2.95美元。四季度运营亏损1170万元,同比下滑85%。
Exactly Protocol于社交媒体发文表示,Exactly Protocol DAO 已完成向Uphold转移 100 万枚 EXA 代币,作为 EXAIP-21 的一部分: 500,000 枚 EXA 已转移至 Uphold 的做市钱包。 500,000 枚 EXA 将在 3 年内以线性流的方式分配给 Uphold。
On March 17th, according to Crypto In America, the Canadian bitcoin mining company Bitfarms announced the successful completion of the all-stock acquisition of Stronghold Digital Mining, worth more than $110 million, becoming the largest merger between two listed bitcoin mining companies. The acquisition will make Bitfarms North American energy market share jump from 6% to 80%, especially in the United States PJM grid layout significantly enhanced. It is worth noting that Riot Platforms, the wor...
3月17日消息,据Crypto In America报道,加拿大比特币矿企Bitfarms宣布成功完成对Stronghold Digital Mining的全股票收购交易,交易价值逾1.1亿美元,成为两家上市比特币矿企之间最大规模的并购案。此次收购将使Bitfarms的北美能源市场占比从6%跃升至80%,特别是在美国PJM电网中的布局显著增强。 值得注意的是,此前全球第二大比特币矿企Riot Platforms曾试...
On March 14, according to the China Real Estate Association, on March 11, the China Real Estate Association organized a symposium for private real estate enterprises to listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises. Vice President Zhang Qiguang presided over the meeting, and representatives of Binjiang, Longhu, Xuhui, Rongsheng, Zhongliang, Xinoupeng and other enterprises attended.
MARA Holdings' operating data for February 2025 showed a month-on-month decrease in both its bitcoin production and the number of block wins in February 2025. The company mined a total of 706 bitcoins in February, and its bitcoin production decreased by 6% month-on-month. Meanwhile, MARA won 206 blocks in February, a decrease of 6% from the previous month. The company said the main reason for the decrease in production was the increase in the difficulty of the bitcoin network and the three days ...
MARA Holdings在2025年2月的运营数据显示,其在2025年2月的比特币产量和区块获胜数量均出现了环比下降。该公司在2月共挖出706枚比特币,比特币产量环比下降了6%。同时,MARA在2月赢得了206个区块,较上月减少了6%。公司表示,产量下降的主要原因是比特币网络难度增加,以及2月比上月少三天的运营时间。 MARA股票...
The February 2025 operating data released by Marathon Digital Holdings (MARA), a US-listed crypto miner, shows that the company mined a total of 706 bitcoins in February, an increase of 4% in daily production. As of the end of February, the number of bitcoins held by MARA has increased to 46,374.
According to Cointelegraph, cryptocurrency exchange Uphold has announced the re-launch of its staking service in the United States, claiming that a shift in regulatory policy and a more friendly stance towards digital assets contributed to the decision. After restoring cryptocurrency staking in the UK in early February 2025, Uphold has now relaunched the service in the US. From March 3, 2025, Uphold users in the United States will be able to pledge 19 crypto assets again and earn rewards, includ...
据 Cointelegraph 报道,加密货币交易平台 Uphold 宣布重新在美国推出质押服务,称监管政策的转变以及对数字资产更加友好的立场促成了这一决定。 在 2025 年 2 月初恢复英国的加密货币质押功能后,Uphold 现已在美国重新推出该服务。 自 2025 年 3 月 3 日起,美国的 Uphold 用户可以再次对 19 种加密资产进行质押并赚取奖励,其中包括 ETH、ATOM 和 DOT,奖励将以相同的质押加密货...
2月28日消息,比特币矿企 Stronghold 宣布,其股东以压倒性多数投票“赞成”Stronghold 与 Bitfarms Ltd.之间即将进行的合并。该合并协议和计划于 2024 年 8 月 21 日签署,并在此后经过修订。在合并协议提案获得批准后,公司预计合并将于 2025 年 3 月完成,但须满足或放弃其余完成条件。特别股东大会结果的最终报告将以 8-K 表格的形式提交给美国证券交易委员会。
比特币矿企MARA Holdings公布2024年Q4财报,公司本季度收入达2.144亿美元,同比增长37%,全年收入达6.564亿美元,同比增长69%。净利润同比增长248%至5.283亿美元,全年净利润增长107%至5.41亿美元。 • 直接能源成本为每比特币28,801美元,每千瓦时成本为0.039美元。 • 总哈希率同比增长115%至53.2 EH/s。 • 比特币持有量增长197%至44,893 BTC(约46亿美元),其中10,374 BTC被借出或作为...
Hong Kong investment firm HK Asia Holdings Limited announced further investments in Bitcoin, purchasing approximately 7.88 BTC at a price of approximately $761,000 on February 20, 2025. The decision follows a previous investment disclosed on February 16, 2025, bringing the company's total bitcoin holdings to approximately 8.88 BTC at an average cost of approximately $97,000 per unit. The company's board of directors approved the deal, funded from its internal resources.